One Place to Start

An Anti-Racist, Pro-Social Justice Book List

As a former teacher, I have been doing anti-racism work for a long time. My library is filled with books on social justice issues including anti-racism, gender, socio-economic status, and food insecurity. This book list includes my recommendations f…

In my first week of college I was led through an exercise which showed me vividly how slanted my education to that point had been. I had been assigned works by dead white men over and over and over again. Motivated by shame of my ignorance as well as my clear, ingrained biases, I set out to rectify the situation and to educate myself. In my graduate studies and my career as a teacher, I continued on this path β€” teaching American Literature with a multicultural lens, attempting to frame the American experience for all Americans, not just dead white guys. Doing so is a heartbreaking and humbling experience, for our country is built on blood, sweat, and tears β€” in equal parts.

Social justice is about race. It is also about gender, socio-economic status, religion. It is woven into every thread of our social fabric from the food available for our tables to the decisions we make at the voting booth β€” and how easily we can vote. Parents and teachers have a particularly important role to play in raising children who aren’t just kind but who are actively anti-racist and who seek justice for all.

So I share with you some of the books that have influenced my progressive, anti-racist journey over the last three decades. This list isn’t complete. It is a start. I am not an anti-racism expert, but I am a reader, a human being, a Progressive, someone of compassion, and I’ve been doing the work for a long time. These volumes have helped me along the way.

Part of my personal library which was part of my Fall 2019 One Room Challenge makeover.

Part of my personal library which was part of my Fall 2019 One Room Challenge makeover.

Anti-Racism Resources

Before we get to my book list, I want to also include several other resources and experts which may be of help to you on your journey.


Race and White Privilege


Biography & Memoir






The Justice System


Activism and Organizing






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As a former teacher, I have been doing anti-racism work for a long time. My library is filled with books on social justice issues including anti-racism, gender, socio-economic status, and food insecurity. This book list includes my recommendations f…